Our People


Jennifer Lay
Helen Prentice
Support Worker
Helen has many years’ experience working in education and residential care settings. Helen provides practical support and guidance to residents including help with access to benefits, employment, induction and resettlement.


Hilary Jeune
Hilary Jeune is Deputy for St John, St Lawrence and Trinity in the States of Jersey. One of her roles has been Jersey’s first Minister for Energy and Climate Change and Assistant Minister for Justice and Home Affairs. She has over 15 years of experience working for non-profits, governments and international institutions on global and EU advocacy, campaigns and as a policy advisor.
Trudy Le Bas
Deputy Chair
Trudy has worked in the charity sector since 2016 and has a background in grant-making and programme management. She has experience volunteering and working for a variety of non-profit organisations and has assisted other charitable organisations in implementing grant management systems.
David Pike
David is a Chartered Accountant with considerable experience in both the charitable and housing sector. He has served as a non-executive board member of a Housing Association in the UK.
Lisa Batchelor
Honorary Secretary
Lisa has over 15 years experience working within regulation, governance and risk across multiple sectors. Lisa is excited to share that experience to support JAYF.
Keri Jervis
Committee Member
Keri has extensive experience in social work, day-care, and residential settings, specialising in safeguarding vulnerable populations. He is enthusiastic about applying his varied skills to establish secure and safe environments.
Kristina Le Feuvre
Committee Member
A former President of Jersey Chamber of Commerce, Kristina is a small business owner. She has worked with a wide spectrum of industries and people.as a former treasury analyst and a Non-Executive Director of Jersey Business.
Nathalie Le Barz
Committee Member
With over 20 years of experience within the financial services industry, Nathalie’s focus throughout her career has been within the field of Human Resources. Nathalie is the Founder and Principal Consultant at Catalyst Consulting and is a Chartered Fellow of the CMI and Associate of the CIPD. Having gained operational and leadership capabilities across multiple functions and jurisdictions, Nathalie is delighted to bring some of these core skills to JAYF to support them in the amazing work they do.