Enjoy a delicious cream tea, wildlife guided walk and tombola at the historical estate of St Ouen’s Manor
Sunday 6th July, 2025 14:00-17:00, Duration: 3 hr
St Ouen’s Manor, Jersey JE3 2HR
Directions – https://maps.app.goo.gl/kivi2HY3Yg9iijyG6
Entrance £6 per person, children under 12 free
Activities – Tombola and nature walk with bird experts.
Cream teas will be served all afternoon @ £5.50 each with soft drinks available
We regret no dogs
St Ouen’s Manor has been home to the de Carteret family for nearly 900 years. The 15th century square tower dominates a 17th century façade with Jacobean wings. The battlement walls were added in the 19th century. Walks along these ramparts look down on a lawned moat with a 15th century vivier – a circular fishpond. The small 9th century granite chapel close to the house has a stone altar lit by a glorious stained glass window.
The gardens have been enhanced by the inspirational planting of Georgina Malet de Carteret with David Austin roses and seasonal herbaceous borders around the house and walls. The magnificent 19th century granite walled garden and dovecote is a summer delight with its profusion of roses and lavender.
The extensive grounds are a haven for wildlife with well-established wildflower meadows and sweeping lawns surrounded by ancient specimen trees and woodland. The stunning flowering cherry grove was planted by the current Seigneur, a keen dendrologist.
This important part of Jersey’s heritage looks to a self-sustaining future with the owners’ vision for green space.
Cream teas and soft drinks will be served by our committee and volunteers in the beautiful walled garden
Directions :
From St Peter’s Village take the A12, La Grande Route de St Ouen signposted to St Ouen. Pass the gatehouse for St Ouen’s Manor and take the next left into Rue du Manoir. Parking opposite the entrance will be signposted.
From St Ouen’s Village, take the A12, La Grande Route de St Ouen signposted for St Peter. Turn right into Rue du Manoir. Parking opposite the entrance to the manor will be signposted
Accessibility: The gardens at the back of St Ouen’s Manor are accessible to wheel chair users including the Walled Garden where cream teas will be sold. There are steps around the front of the Manor where the “moat” is.